Sunday, August 15, 2010

Tea Eggs 茶葉蛋

12 eggs, preferably at room temperature
1/4 c. dark soy sauce
4 star-anise
1/2 tsp salt
1 c. chicken or vegetable broth
3 black-tea teabags

Put eggs in a pot and add enough water to cover. Put on stove over moderate heat, and let eggs boil for 10 minutes. Transfer eggs to a large bowl of cold water; let cool for at least 30 minutes.

Remove eggs from water. Gently crack eggs on kitchen counter or cutting board, making sure that the shells remain on the eggs. Do not peel. Set aside.

Put all remaining ingredients in large pot and add water (at least 4 c. water, or enough to cover the eggs). Put on stove and bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, and then add cracked eggs to pot. Let cook for at least 1 hour, or until egg shells and eggs take on the tea-broth’s brown tint.

Remove eggs from pot and serve, warm or chilled. (Eggs are usually served unpeeled; diners peel them themselves).

Save tea-broth in a container in refrigerator. To re-heat leftover (unpeeled) eggs, put tea-broth and eggs in pot and heat over medium temperature.

If you want to experiment with color and taste, substitute an oolong teabag for one of the black ones.

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